Saturday, November 10, 2007

Halloween 2007

October was a busy month!

Wow! We started off October with a weekend of birthday parties, both at a pumpkin patch. Gabby's was on Saturday and it was 80 plus degrees. Colin and Sean seemed to enjoy it but Paulie was not as thrilled so Lynn and Rich went to Kleio's on Sunday with Colin and Pa and I watched Paulie. He is such a great baby. Good thing for Lynn and Rich because when you have all three together it is exhausting, but we love it.

The following weekend was the first birthday for Kamryn, (hard to believe!) and Pa and I took Colin because Paulie was sick. Colin had a great time and everyone kept telling us how beautiful his hair and eyes are.

The weekend of the 20th we had Paulie and Colin for a sleepover visit and we had a great time. They slept the whole night and it was fun having them here for breakfast. Colin and I baked, he loves cooking like his dad. We went for walks and played outside. It was great.

The last weekend Of October we watched the boys on Saturday and kept Colin overnight to give Lynn and Rich a break while preparing for Paulie's Christening party on Sunday. The priest had a great personality so it turned out very well and Paulie looked adorable in his little suit. We had good food and a great time at Lynn and Rich's. Rich was thrilled that his grandmom came to his home for the first time. We were a little worried about the steps but she made out great. She was a hit with the young people as always.

We ended the month with Halloween and they were so cute in their costumes. Colin was a perfect Dennis the Menace. Sean cracked me up with the Policeman's hat. They are a trip!

Colin went from saying few words to talking in sentences in about 4-6 weeks. He repeats everything and I do mean EVERYTHING! It is amazing to watch them grow. Hard to believe in September 2008 Sean will be in kindergarten already.

As we get older and life doesn't seem to be getting any easier we have to realize that as long as we have been blessed with beautiful children including our daughter-in-law and beautiful grandsons, life is great!

My father would be happy to know that the tradition goes on. He always said "there isn't a bad looking one in the bunch, dear." Of course he was just a little prejudiced! You would have to know my father to know that when he said that he was filled with pride when it came to his kids and grandkids. He never tired of having his grandchildren underfoot. I know now how he felt. His legacy continues to grow as Little Dan and Mollie are expecting in May. We are all very excited for them!